Disciple Makers
Discipleship Matters!
The mission of Cedar Valley Church is to Believe in the forgiveness of sins, to Belong to a loving church family, and to Become more and more like Jesus. Within this mission is a 5 step disciple-making pathway that moves in a direction of spiritual development and formation. This disciple-making pathway consists of 5 steps. Attend, Connect, Give, Serve, and Invite. Within each step is a strategy to equip you as you move towards a deeper walk with Jesus.
Our end goal is to equip everyone to become more and more like Jesus. We are God's plan B. We (you) are God's plan to make disciples (followers of Jesus) of all nations. Who are those people in your life that don't know Jesus? Our mission is to partner with you as we all take steps to fulfill the Great Commission. All disciple-making starts with an invitation and we have identified 5 steps that are necessary in our walk with God to reach those who don't know Jesus.
We are in this together.